Hello and Welcome to the party!
Sirius Dogma
JoinedPosts by Sirius Dogma
New Gal saying hi to everyone
by betty boop inive been logging on to the website for awhile but have only been reading.today ive decided to extend my hello to all of you and to thank you for helping me out in confirming a decison i shouldve made years ago.
i left the j-dubs last august (by fading) and i feel so much happier in my life.
i can say bless you when someone sneezes, i can go to a birthday party, put a x-mas tree up, and have sex guilt free .
Excited About Harry Potter?
by Leolaia inman, i'm really looking forward to the new potter!!!.
i mean, i'm reaaallllllly looking forward to it!!!
i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Sirius Dogma
I can' t wait! only a few more days!! I've read all the books published so far and IMO Prisoner of Az is a better story than Chamber of Secrets.
No more Richard Harris. That will bug me a lot, as I will struggle to accept the new Dumbledore.
yeah, however from the little i have seen the new actor has done a great job and will easily slide into the role
No more Chris Columbus. I liked the style a lot in the past movies. Will it still feel like a Harry Potter movie with the new director?
the world and style is already established, i think they would have to try intentionaly to mess it up. the first two movies where almost exactly the stories in the book, word for word. very little is left out changed or edited. I don't see how they would change this formula until book 4 which will have to trimmed simply because of the amount of content.
3) The kids have grown up more. Now they're teenagers. Of course, this has to happen and it's part of the developing narrative arc, but still I will miss their youth.
4) Will the story suck? Yeah, I haven't read the book, this is funny because I love the movies so much I don't want to spoil myself, like reading the script before seeing the film. I do read the books after seeing the movie and marvel at how closely the movie follows the book (well, we know why...)
no worries. it only gets better from here, although book 5 kinda pissed me off.
leo - so should we get a ex-jw group to go see prisoner of az. i will see it in the theaters at least twice.
The Dead Generation (Monty Python Spoof)
by Scully inthe dead generation.
gbm: "no it isn't".
jw: "yes it is, look at it!
Sirius Dogma
LOL! brilliant! thank you for posting. I have never seen that one.
Building a new computer
by dustyb inhey.
i'm building a new computer now, so if you guys want to suggest what i put in it, or else donate parts/money i'd be glad to accept.
right now this is what i'm thinkin about.
Sirius Dogma
Fair warning SATA can be a SOB to boot from, for WinXP installs at least, moreso if you don't have a floppy drive.
And of course the important questions is what are you going to use it for? With a 9800 pro my guess is gaming. What games you play?
You are getting a fairly beefy video card, make sure your monitor can support it. My roommate has 9800XT and his monitor supports max resolution of only 1280x1024, which is a waste.
The spec looks right to me, I would add a DVD/R+-W though. Very handy for "backuping up" and stuff.
I would recommend the Athlon 64 or FX(if you gots lots of cash) series from AMD over a pentium, since they run 32 stuff fast now and can do 64 bit when the production version is released. Some games like Far Cry and a few others are even optimized for 64 bit supposedly.
if you don't know, one of the best places to get prices online is http://www.pricewatch.com
Any science fiction freaks?
by myauntfanny indoes anyone on here like science fiction?
i've read everything by all my favourite writers and am looking for some new ones.
any recommendations?
Sirius Dogma
I watched the Disney version of Madeline L'Engle's "A Wrinkle In Time" the other night. It was interesting, except it annoyed me how they kept talking about the tesseract as if it is some magical device when it is only a 4 dimensional box (add one dimension to a cube). Otherwise I thought it was a fun story.
I have read everything by Herbert(sr and jr) in the dune series, everything in the foundations and robot series by Asimov, Everything by Douglas Adams, and am currently digging into the Pratchett library.
I also have read a good deal of Robert Anton Wilson, his books are mucho fun.
I also just read today Bradbury is coming out with a new book, but only have the title - "'Too Soon From the Cave, Too Far From the Stars' "
Donald Rumsfeld caption time,
by William Penwell in.
"oh crap, am i in a lot of doggie doo doo.
Sirius Dogma
"If I stand over here and speak, that microphone won't be able to record the lies that could come back and bite me in the ass"
JW recruiting poster
by FirstInLine inare you tired of religions that make promises but never deliver?
shouldn't you learn about the true god?
isn't a true religion the only worthy religion?
Sirius Dogma
damn. be careful, the WTS might actually use this. It hits a bit too close to the truth.
Brothers in need of cheer
by Sirius Dogma inbrothers - if you are down, listen to this song, it will help you remember what is important.
you will be more thankful for what you are blessed with.
Sirius Dogma
nilfun - lol. maybe, but aren't all men enormous in the same way all women are beautiful? hehe. ok maybe not.
franklin j - lol. no alas, the alien had to go back to her homeworld and yes she was free, but it wasn't meant to be.
frankiespeaking - dance routine? maybe after a few drinks we could do an ex-jw dance routine at the bay area meetup, bring a camcorder.
Brothers in need of cheer
by Sirius Dogma inbrothers - if you are down, listen to this song, it will help you remember what is important.
you will be more thankful for what you are blessed with.
Sirius Dogma
Brothers - If you are down, listen to this song, it will help you remember what is important. You will be more thankful for what you are blessed with.